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Dr Endrizzi is available for telephone enquiries from Monday to Friday between 9 - 11 am. If it is not possible to take your call during this time due to other patients calling at the same time, please leave a message on our answering machine or speak to our receptionist. You will then be called back as soon as possible. There are no open consultation hours, appointments are only made by prior arrangement. This ensures that every patient gets the time they need for their treatment. In addition, we thus ensure that your waiting time does not exceed 15 minutes.

In order to save you multiple journeys, especially if you have to travel further, it has proven useful to conduct all preparatory talks by telephone. Here, all questions can be clarified in detail so that you can come to us with a feeling of security. So that we can get as comprehensive a picture as possible of your joint complaints, please send us your X-ray/MRI images in advance by post or e-mail. We will also send you the documents necessary for the treatment by e-mail or post. A detailed physical examination will take place in our practice on the day of the procedure.

Phone enquiries +49 (0) 203 98430022 / +49 (0) 157555 31416 or Email:

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